Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

The Theories of Public Speaking

By Antung Firmandana

Speech to inform
1. Preparing an attention-getting introduction
a. Make your audience curious: with a question
b. Begin with story
c. Begin with well-known quotation
d. Begin with a starting or shocking fact

2. Preparing a preview of what you are going to talk about.
Tell your listeners exactly what you are going to say.

3. Preparing the main body of your speech
a. It is the time to present your information
b. Be sure to present the main parts of your speech just the way you said you would.

4. Preparing a summary of what you spoke about.
a. Have a summary of the information presented.
b. The best way to summarize your information is to remind your audience about you have said.
c. Repeat the main points covered in the main body of your speech.

5. Preparing a memorable conclusion.
a. End your speech effectively.
b. Never end the speech with “That’s all I have to say..” because the final words of your speech are the ones your audience will remember.
c. Conclude with a statement that will leave your audience thinking about what you said.

Speech to Persuade
1. Preparing an attention-getting opener
a. Introduction is very important.
b. Convincing the listeners, first make them trust you as a person who thinks as they do.
c. The best way to begin your speech by talking about areas of agreement which are common to everyone.
d. Begin with discussing Common goals, Common problems and Common experiences.

2. Preparing a clear statement of your specific purpose
a. Clearly state your specific speech purpose.
b. The audience should not have to guess your persuasive purpose is.
c. The audience should not have to wait until you are halfway through your speech to find out.

3. Preparing the main body of your speech
a. Present support and evidence which will convince listeners to agree with you.
b. Use the result of your audience analysis
c. Some members of the audience will probably disagree for specific reasons.
d. Review your survey of opinions form carefully before organizing this section of your speech.

4. Preparing a summary of your main points
a. Summarize the support presented
b. Briefly remind the audience why they should agree
c. Help the audience to remember by repeating the main persuasive points you made in your speech

5. Preparing a memorable conclusion.
a. The conclusion should remind people to believe or do what you want them to
b. Try to make people think about the future
c. End with a short, direct reminder for the listeners to take some type of action

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